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DarkDroid Name: Darkwing Droid
Age: Unknown
Eyes: Silver
Hair: N/A
Body: White
Home: Canard MTS
Species: Robot (Though he will argue with you that he's an android)
Clothes: Metal painted on him that looks like some hero of  the past's costume
Weapon: Built in gas lazers from hands and shoulders
Powers: None known of.
Voice: Same as the original Darkwings but with a robotic twinge
History: Darkwing Droid was one of the first Drobots made. He was made by Annex's father who was later killed. He was programed to be Annex's protecter and learned to be her father. He singlehandly defeated the souless Fearsome Five Robots the dome goverment made. The second wave of attack from the domes, the FOWL Drobots, was also fought by him with help of the other rebels.  

Reincarnate of:

Name: Darkwing Duck
Species: Duck
Eyes: Blue
Hair: N/A
Body: White

Darkwing Droid belongs to ToonQueen
Original Darkwing Duck belongs to Disney