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Annex >>> Rezzactment>>>Kamikaze>>>Elvys
Name: Annex
Age: 20s
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Red/Purple/Brown
Body: Green/Brown
Home: Canard MTS
Species: Undefined mix of duck, cow, mongoose, Goose, and a dash of plant
Clothes: Anything she wants, from bikinis to miltary uniforms, mixed and matched. Usually shades of grey.
Weapon: Knows how to use a gun very well but likes physical fights better.
Powers: Wearing a specal gold crown machine around her head she is able to control plants.
Voice: Tank Girl
History: Annex is leader of the Rebels. Her father was a scientist in the domes and later killed for his rebelling and refusal to make things the government asked him to. He was a bio-engineer and there is some talk that Annex is one of his creations. He was also tinkering with robotics and cyborg technology. He created Darkwing Droid to protect Annex. Annex and Darkwing Droid have always been like father and daughter. Annex is fun loving character, but when its time to plan for battle she can be 100% serious. The gold crown like machine she uses to control and talk to plants much like Bushroot only works for her. Little does she know she doesn't really need the machine to talk and control them. She has a long lasting friendship with Guru Bushroot. She is one of the few people the Guru's trust with their knowledge. Her ultimate goal is to enlighten the domers with what is really going on outside of their goverment.

Genetics Can Be Traced Back To:

Name: Bushroot
Species: 1/2 Plant 1/2 Duck
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple Petals
Body: Green with brown root legs

Name: Tarus Bulba
Species: Bull/Cow
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
Body: Dark Purple/Brownish?

Gentics also traced and Reincarnate of:

Name: Gosalyn Mallard/Muddlefoot
Species: 1/2 Duck 1/2 Goose
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Body: Light Yellow

Annex belong to ToonQueen