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Prep >>> Goth >>> Rave
AP Name: Prep
Age: 5 years since activation, programed to be 18
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Body: White with a tad of ice blue
Home: Puppet Master's Dome
Species: Duck Bio-Android
Clothes: Pinks and other pastels. Collared and "Preppy" style. She never goes without wearing her black belt buckle
Weapon: Various explosive items from her purse and the usual lasers from hands
Powers: She has been known to casts blasts of magic known as Chaotica magic
Voice: Britney Spears?
History:  One of three attack androids that work together for assassin jobs for Puppet Master. Though she is programed to like the color pink, she often likes to try on the darker cloths her sister Goth owns, even while knowing the smallest glitch in her programing could mean her termination. Puppet Master let her off easy though when he found out and gave her a black belt buckle that seems to have settled down the programming glitch for now.

Genetics Can Be Traced Back To:

Unknown at this time

Reincarnate of:

Name: Morgana McCawber
Species: Duck
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Body: White

Prep belong to ToonQueen