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Prep >>> Goth >>> Rave
AG Name: Goth
Age: 5 years since activation, programed to be 25
Eyes: Red
Hair: Marron
Body: White with a tad of pale green
Home: Puppet Master's Dome
Species: Duck Bio-Android
Clothes: Blacks and fishnet shirts
Weapon: Her fists and the usual lasers from hands
Powers:  None
Voice: Being thought out
History:  One of three attack androids that work together for assassin jobs for Puppet Master.  She is the wisest of the three but doesn't know to follow her heart so with all her knowlege her advice on other matter can be drastically wrong. She always yells at Prep and Rave when they go against their programing. Only Goth remembers that they were actually assaian androids made by the dome goverment to kill Puppet Master but were reprogramed by him and graphed to be Bio-Androids by him also.

Genetics Can Be Traced Back To:

Name: Cryptic Macawber
Species: 1/2 Duck 1/2 Demon
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blue
Body: White

Name: Ka-Tessa McQuack/Feathington
Species: Duck/Goose
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Body: Pale Yellow

Name: Bushroot
Species: 1/2 Duck, 1/2 Plant
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple Petals
Body: Green

Reincarnate of:

Unknown at this time

Goth belong to ToonQueen